Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Beard and a Mustache

My husband recently grew a beard and a mustache. I guess the cool word for it is a goatee, but to me it is a beard and a mustache.

Plus, since the actual definition of a goatee is "A small chin beard trimmed to a point; named for its resemblance to a goat's beard", I personally would rather have a beard and a mustache.

I associate mustaches with:
1. the 80s
2. Tom Selleck
3. that guy who starred in "the $6 million dollar man"
4. Burt Reynolds

I associate beards with:
1. Grizzly Adams
2. Santa Claus
3. the Unibomber
4. grandpas and other old men

While honestly, none of these associations make me want to rip my clothes off, I can't decide whether or not I like my husband's beard and mustache (I like saying "beard and mustache" as often as possible just to annoy John).

Here's a before and after picture. You tell me.

On top of everything else, it's not easy to kiss someone with facial hair.
Me:  "John, it sort of hurts to kiss you with that prickly beard and mustache."
John:  "I'm sorry Sweetie. Do you want me to shave it off? I will if you want me to."
Me:  "Only if you want me to kiss you."


RobCo said...

Lighten up Francis! Haha. Love it!

Unknown said...

It's a Van Dyke. I used to rock one from time to time. My guess is, you'll get used to it :)

Grey280 said...

Makes me think of the guy in Fringe. Not the crazy one, the guy who has to deal with the crazy one.

Melinda Hasting Wheatley said...

well, i prefer you two kissing. and his pointed chin is charminger. but then again, you're talking to somebody who cut her hair off in a mid-life fancy, so.

Hitchhiking Butterflies said...
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Unknown said...

guys love to grow out their facial hair-I don't know what it is, some sort of (safe) mid-life rebellion? All I know is that everytime MY John gets the chance to, he does! Just think...probably the L-O-N-G-E-R it gets the softer it will become!!

Karen Joyce said...
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Karen Joyce said...

Personally I think it's a muy sexy look - but I'm with you ... actually making face to face contact with the stuff just doesn't feel good. How about having him try using some conditioner on it? Like ... the Aussie Three-Minute Miracle? (Not implying anything there about um ... yeah. Conditioner - try it!