Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Moving Boxes

Forget all the fancy toys and electric gadgets.

Throw away the silly bandz and turn off the computer games

It took this move (and I'm not one to complain but I really do not like moving) to discover ... 

... that my kids can entertain themselves for hours (and I do mean hours) ... 

... with a couple of boxes and a broom (and their big imaginations). 


Grey280 said...

This magic also works with legos, building blocks, and any beach with slight wave motion.

Kim Brater said...

Great pics. Hunter's favorite "toy" when he was little was the huge box his diapers came in...he would sit inside and pretend he was driving Thomas. Imagination gets lost sometimes when there are too many toys around. Boxes and a broom...that's pure gold.


cheap moving supplies said...

How nicely a box turned in to a kids home, enjoyed this post very much, thanks.

Anonymous said...

First of all...I love seeing those precious faces. Us Sarasotians do miss you guys. Boxes, aren't they the most fantastic thing on the planet? They can help travel, be a home for someone and entertain until the cows come home! :-) We have had boxes as spaceships, ice cream stands, row boats, robots and more. On the 4th of july i watched a baby be entertained by a plastic water bottle for hours on end. It's the little things in life that get us by. Love the post! The Talyor Crew