Monday, October 18, 2010

Some Breakthrough Ideas for Keeping Order in the Classroom

Macy is a pleaser, for sure. And filled with good ideas.

So, it makes perfect sense that she would take the time to put those ideas on paper for her teacher, Mrs. Awesome.

Evidently, there is some interrupting going on in the classroom, and Macy wants to do her part to put a stop to it.

And I'm sure Mrs. Awesome, who's been teaching for more than 25 years, will find this tip sheet helpful.

In case you need a translation, here's what Macy had to offer:

Tips for Stopping Kids from Interrupting You:
1. Talk louder
2. Send them to their seat
3. Take some recess away from them
4. Try to ignore them

All good ideas.

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1 comment:

Shelly C. said...

I have never met Macy, but she has your spunk. Love the blog-keep in coming!