Friday, July 9, 2010

Where's Waldo / Where Every Kid in Portland Goes During a Heat Wave

I went to pick up Macy early from camp today for a little Macy/Mommy bonding time.

"They're at the pool," I was told by the camp administrator.

"Sounds fun!" I thought as I headed over to the pool. In my work clothes. In the 100+ degree heat.

I got to the pool and realized I was the only one there in work clothes.

I'm not complaining, but it was pretty hot. So I got right on the task of finding Macy. 

I stood out like a sore thumb. Unfortunately, Macy did not.

So I walked to the other side of the pool and tried to remember what color Macy's swimming suit was. 

Pink is indeed a popular color for young girls' swimwear. Never seen so many pink suits.

I was contemplating getting into the pool with all the others to cool off. Plus I thought my chances would be better of finding her, when I finally spotted my little waterbug.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Love the pictures to add to the scheme of things:)Great story!