Monday, May 3, 2010

Am I Groovy Enough to Live in Portland?

Just because I was born in Portland, Oregon, does not mean I am actually cool enough to live there. But guess what? We're moving there! On June 9th!

Now all my worries set in. These are the things that keep me up at night.

Do I exercise enough?
I mean, everyone in Portland exercises, right? That's what the "Moving to Portland" websites and blogs say. I used to run, but I have bad knees (from running) so that's sort of out. I can't imagine myself biking to work. Besides, I work from home so I'll probably just walk to work.

Am I green enough?
Of course I recycle, Florida style. That means I throw all of my cans, bottles and paper into one bin and drag it out to the driveway every Monday. Somehow, I don't think that will cut it in Portland. Oregonians are serious about their recycling.

Can I handle the weather?
It can rain 300 days a year. That's a lot of rain. I like rainy days, but do I like rain 5 out of 7 days a week?

Am I earthy enough?
I'd like to think I am. But surfing the internet can be so intimidating. Community gardens sound neat, but how do I become a part of one? Composting. Cooperative schools. Clearly I am getting in over my head.

We don't own a dog!
As I understand it, everyone owns at least one 25+ lb. mixed-breed dog in Oregon. Macy is currently afraid of all dogs, even tiny ones. But I'm sure once we get one, she'll get used to him/her, right?

I am a Democrat. That's a good thing.
I am excited, and I guess that's enough. I'm sure I'll be just fine.


Grey280 said...

Recycling's really easy to get used to, you don't have to be part of a big community garden, just plant an apple tree, cats can replace dogs (or fish in rare cases), you get used to the rain, and it makes sunny days seem even more awesome than usual, and swim!
I think that's everything.

Unknown said...

I love it! These are fears I feel as well!! Will you coach me when I move... you will have a year on me when I get there! I'm so excited for you guys... and the dog thing, DON'T GIVE IN!!

Happy Body Happy Life said...
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Happy Body Happy Life said...

You will be just fine Kari. You have a remarkable ability to adapt to many situations. oh my that is ALOT of rain for a Florida girl :)

Melinda Hasting said...

you're hip. that trumps all else. :-)

Unknown said...

One Dog word: Cockapoo! Kevin was also afraid of dogs (any size)...which a lot of people with dogs don't seem to understand. But we recently got a cockapoo (cocker spanial, mini poodle mix)-he is a DREAM! GREAT with kids, plays when you want to play, chills when you want to chill, super personality, super if you find yourself in the market-I HIGHLY recommend!