Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I Won $70 at the Kentucky Derby!

No, I didn't go. I'm in the middle of planning a move, silly.

But, here were the guidelines I gave to my friend who actually did go to the Kentucky Derby last week-end and agreed to place a bet (or two) for me.

--  "Ok, don't bet my money on the horses with the very best odds. I won't make any money."

--  "Oh, and don't bet on those poor horses with the worst odds. They'll never win."

--  "Pick a horse right in the middle, odds-wise. Not in the middle as in where they are standing."

--  "Out of all those 'middle odds' horses, pick a horse who's name reminds you of me."

--  "Don't spend more than $20."

Fast forward, said friend placed two $10 bets, following my explicit direction, on "Make Music for Me" (I sing sometimes if you did not know) and "Super Saver" (I have evidently misled this friend into thinking I am a "super saver"). 

Anyway, thank you Super Saver. My investment of $20 won me $90 as you had 9-to-1 odds. That is, according to my math, a clean $70 that I can spend - or save - as I please. And I didn't even have to leave my house or wear a hat.


Grey280 said...

Nice profit for a day's not work. :)

Melinda Hasting said...

let's do a derby party next year in portland!!!

Steven said...

Ernie Reiter won the Exacta! I'm not sure how much he had riding on it, but it paid $76.20 on a $1.00 bet. I suspect he bet more than a buck :) Good for him!