Thursday, September 30, 2010

They Don't Call Her Mrs. Awesome for Nothing

Tonight is open house at Macy's school, and I have to say, I just love Macy's second grade teacher.

Not just because Macy adores her, hangs on her every word, and seems to be getting smarter by the day.

Not just because she clearly loves teaching, and her students call her Mrs. Awesome. (Her last name is two syllables and starts with an A.)

Not just because she is totally accessible to parents for every little question and concern, and we have many.

Mainly, I love her, because she has my back on this Mad Men situation, and knew just how to fix everything.

Letting your seven-year-old watch "one" episode of Mad Men is clearly a lot more responsible than letting her watch "every" episode.

Thank you, Mrs. Awesome.


Grey280 said...

I love when kids have a nickname for a teacher. It's even better when it's a good nickname! :)

Anonymous said...

That is great! I hope all is well with you and your family. OOTM is beginning soon. We will miss you and Macy:)