Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thomas Gone Wild

My three-year-old son is obsessed with Thomas, and the entire "Tank Engine" franchise. He knows every single train by name, and is constantly throwing out Thomas euphamisms: "He's a really useful engine!" "Emily is cross." "Bust those buffers."

On our family computer, Trey learned to type T-H-O-M-A-S in Google to get himself hooked up with a shot of Sprout Online. Straight to the Thomas games he went. He's a genius! I thought, until ...

One day I got distracted blogging or reading blogs or something, and eventually I wandered over to find that Trey had made his way onto YouTube, and was watching Thomas "videos" (some not-so-appropriate for your average 3-year-old as you might imagine). We had a talk about this - I know I had a stern talking to myself about being more "hands on" - and we moved on.

Fast forward, the other night Macy ran over to me with a, "Mommy! We won a contest!! Come look!"

OMG. At the computer were at least a dozen pop-up screens. Yes, one blinking screen notified us that we'd WON!!! THE BIG PRIZE!!! The other screens? Well ... How do I say this? One word. Porn.

Trey, in his ongoing quest for a fix of a newer, better Thomas video, had stumbled into a virus that unleashed a flurry of T & A (and various other body parts).

The moral of my story. Well, too much of anything, even Thomas, is a bad thing, I guess. Either that, or keep a close eye on your children as they "surf" the internet!


Grey280 said...

May I recommend some parental control software? Sounds like you need it!

Anonymous said...

I have a similar story I'll share with you next time we get together. Sad what our kids can see on the internet these days. My first intro. to porn was in college!!!!!!! Times have changed.

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Jan Mader said...

I'm a children's author and have a blog for people who like to write. Please stop by for a visit and write with us!