I can't stop, but I want to. But I can't. I tell myself I don't care to know so many details about people I haven't seen in years or barely know, but evidently I do.
Like a voyeur, I pore through peoples' photo albums. The best is when a friend gets "tagged" in a stranger's photo and I end up leafing through an album of 75 random pictures from "Alan's Surprise Party" (and I don't know Alan, or anyone else at the party). That's when I have to push myself away from my computer and start a load of laundry.
Or how about that friend you broke up with a few years back so no WAY are you going to friend him. But you have mutual friends, so you can kind of stalk him indirectly.
Oh, and I also read people's status updates religiously. Even people I don't really know.
The people who brag ("Off to the beach house for a week for fun in the sun! Will post pics when we return!") Of course you will.
And those who take a stand ("Maine, I am so mad at you!"). I like the people who use their status field to communicate with just one person ("Kathy, thanks for your note!! Yes, come by on Wednesday, can't wait!").
And new friends keep showing up. From the strangest places, out of the woodwork.
The girl on the treadmill next to me at the gym learned my name and "friended" me! Now I know all about her! Cool!
My brother's ex-wife whom I've not seen in 20+ years ... yep, she's my new friend and I enjoyed all the pictures she posted of her recent wedding.
My neighbor down the street with whom I've never actually spoken in person. A friend from high school's Mom. My daughter's pre-school teacher, from 3 years ago.
I've heard many people say things like, "I wasn't their friend in high school, why would I want to be now?" when describing those random friend requests we all receive from the faces from our past. But, I disagree.
It's like a big anthropological experiment to me, a real-life reality television show, to see how all of us have morphed over 20 years. We'll all probably eventually get bored of Facebook (or they'll start charging us to use it) and we'll collectively move onto something else, but for now I'm having fun. And I admit it.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes! My name is Karen and I am a Facebookaholic. No need for a 12-step program just yet though, I'm having fun! You NAILED it, Kari! *LIKE*
I may not be as compulsive as you, but I have definitely found myself sitting in the den with a drink in hand, wondering to myself (and occasionally out loud) -- "where did the last hour go", and I realize that Facebook stole it from me -- there our endless diversions at your fingertips. Now. . .BACK TO WORK!!
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