Working from home is an acquired taste, like dirty Kettle One martinis. As in, once you get used to it, it's all you want.
Who wants to get up earlier than necessary, put on uncomfortable clothes for no good reason, drive in traffic across town and trek into a germ-ridden office (or worse, a cubicle) to get your work done? Is it the riveting water cooler talk? Or the dreaded office politics and gossip? See, by working from home, you can keep up with your laundry and avoid most of that. Plus, you get to watch Mad Men during your lunch hour.
But then again, working from home has a down-side.
I own WAY too many pairs of comfy jeans. I wear out slippers like nobody's business. Going into any sort of office for a day or more wears me out. My suits are very outdated. I can no longer walk with a confident swagger in a pair of heels (I'm so out of practice). I don't hear about great new TV shows until half-way through season 2. And, because I work from home, most people think I don't work. Thus, because I am largely unavailable for many volunteer and social activities, my Mom friends cop to wondering what it is I do all day.
Nonetheless, in my opinion, it's a great gig if you can get it.
I'm jealous, where can I get one of those jobs. The biggest question is what does the chair look like!? Btw, you always look like 100 bucks when you go to the office, Miss Cameron Diaz.
Totally agree with the cameron diaz thing. You look good in your slippers, girl! Well, thanks to you, I wouldn't settle for anything less that working at home - - - livin it and lovin it.
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