Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I Want to Trick-or-Treat in Parenthood

Holy smokes, do you watch NBC's sort-of-new show called Parenthood?

Did you see last week's episode where they go trick-or-treating? What kind of neighborhood is that?

Parents are dressed up as well as kids. Did Halloween rules change? It's hard enough coordinating costumes for my kids, since when do I have to dress up too? And what was Max's Mom dressed up as? A cotton ball?

There is creepy smoke hanging in the air to give the neighborhood that eery feel. Every house is professionally decorated to look like a haunted mansion. There are great big blow up pumpkins in every beautifully manicured yard.

I'm contemplating a trip down to Southern California this week-end to try to find this neighborhood. My kids would love it.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Happy Anniversary MSoML!

In celebration of my one year anniversary of blogging, I re-branded My Slice of Mom Life, as you can see. I got sick of seeing those crazy polka-dots everywhere, on my site and on everyone else's (it's a very common blog template).

If you read, occasionally or regularly, please subscribe to my blog and I love and appreciate your comments. Thanks for your support this past year and here's to another year of blogging about the less serious side of motherhood.

In case you were wondering, mine is the glass on the right. The empty one.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Some Breakthrough Ideas for Keeping Order in the Classroom

Macy is a pleaser, for sure. And filled with good ideas.

So, it makes perfect sense that she would take the time to put those ideas on paper for her teacher, Mrs. Awesome.

Evidently, there is some interrupting going on in the classroom, and Macy wants to do her part to put a stop to it.

And I'm sure Mrs. Awesome, who's been teaching for more than 25 years, will find this tip sheet helpful.

In case you need a translation, here's what Macy had to offer:

Tips for Stopping Kids from Interrupting You:
1. Talk louder
2. Send them to their seat
3. Take some recess away from them
4. Try to ignore them

All good ideas.

If you like my blog, please subscribe. If you like a post, please comment! 

Thursday, October 14, 2010

This is Not a Barbecue!

So, we went to a barbecue last weekend at my son's pre-school, Stumptown Kids, ran by the amazing and hysterical Jenn, whom I will talk about more in a future post.

(Stumptown, for my readers who do not live in Oregon, is a nickname for Portland.)

The barbecue was a blast, but I think maybe Trey was a little tired.
There were lots of kids there. And trees to climb. And toys. And even a musical performance. Here is a picture of Macy's awesome piano teacher Sarah. (I'll tell you more about her later too!)
I thought Macy was having a great time. Here's proof, a picture of her with a new friend and a can of pomegranate soda.
Now's the time to mention that this was a vegetarian potluck. 

Meaning, the party host Jenn is a vegetarian and although it wasn't expressly spelled out on the E-vite, most of the attendees just knew to bring a meatless dish. 

In fact, I'm not even sure where I picked up the term "barbecue" to describe this party. But I must have used it and therefore set up an image in Macy's mind about what would be served at this shindig. Because she completely ignored the long table of covered dishes, and I realize now it was because she was holding out for the good stuff. The hot dogs and hamburgers.

So, after a couple hours of chasing tired Trey around, we decided to pack it in and leave. John grabbed Trey and headed to the car, and I found Macy right in the middle of a huge group of adults and kids.

I leaned down to her and whispered, "Macy, we're going to head home now." Wide-eyed, she threw her head back and shrieked, "What about the FOOD? Where's the barbecue??!!"

Quietly, I said, "The food is over there on the table, Macy. This is a vegetarian party."

With that Macy declared loudly, very loudly, "This Is Not A Barbecue!" And you could have heard a pin drop. Even the kids were embarrassed for me. 

So, we went home, grilled a hot dog, and caught the last 20 minutes of Mad Men. I'm KIDDING.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

We did evolve from monkeys right? So, it makes sense ...

I have known for a long time that my son is a climber. (Here's where I would insert a picture of him climbing out of his crib at 12 months, if I had one.)

He's just really good at it. I am not sure how this skill will serve him later in life ... 

... but for now he seems to be having a lot of fun just climbing trees.
And I am having fun taking pictures of him climbing trees.
And using fancy editing software to give the illusion of an angelic glow.
But I swear to you I did not edit these pictures. The situation is every bit as dangerous as it appears.

Yes, that's my only son Trey. Up in the very top of that tall tree. 

Wearing his helmet (NOT because I had him wear it before tree climbing, but because he didn't stop to remove it when he hopped off his tricycle to run and climb a tree).
And what does it say about me (and my mothering instincts) that I ran to get a camera before rescuing him?